
The 6-year warranty
demonstrates our confidence in our Smart products
and makes the customers feel at ease

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Longer, more comprehensive and more sincere
6-year warranty services for Smart toilets

HEGII adheres to “Offering High-quality Products with Perseverance”. It is not only a pioneer in product innovation, but also a champion of quality assurance. By relying on its rigorous manufacturing technologies and demanding quality management, HEGII ensures high-standard product quality and pledges 6-year warranty for products and their parts. The long-term warranty represents our promise of high reliability and quality.

Note: Smart toilet includes Smart toilet and Smart toilet seat.

At present, the major manufacturers of the sanitary industry provides warranty ranging from 2 years to-5 years. HEGII’s 6 -year warranty for Smart toilet not only extends the warranty period to six years for the first time, but also expands the warranty scope to the whole product, meaning that consumers does not need to differentiate the warranty periods of different parts of products and can feel at ease to purchase and use the Smart toilet of HEGII. It shows that HEGII strives to safeguard the interests of customers and is confident in its own products.
